An Arkansas Power of Attorney form is a legal document that allows an individual, referred to as a Principal, to confer legal proxy to an individual they trust, referred to as an Agent, to make legal decisions on their behalf. In Arkansas, all power of attorney documents must conform to Title 28, Chapter 64 of the Arkansas Code which dictates that the appointed Agent must be at least 18 years of age or older to take on this responsibility. In Arkansas, the Agent can even be granted the legal responsibility to withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment. Also notable, is that an Arkansas Power of Attorney can be revoked by the Principal at any time without any regards to his or her mental state. This means that if the Principal is ever unhappy with a decision that the Agent has made, he or she may revoke the Agent's power immediately.
In order to complete an Arkansas Power of Attorney document, the first thing that the Principal will need to provide is his or her full name and complete address. Next, the Principal will provide the full name, address, and contact information for their appointed Agent. Once the Principal has named the Agent, he or she will then name the powers that the Agent is receiving. These powers can include anything from caring for the Principal's children to handling tax affairs; the powers that the Principal can convey to the Agent are broad. Once the Agent's powers have been assigned, and the effective date has been provided, the Principal will then sign the document and have it witnessed by a disinterested individual or notary public.